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We offer a broad range of portfolio management and financial planning solutions customized for your specific needs, goals and life stage. We apply a clear, well-defined and objective process by identifying your goals. Below is a cross-section of wealth management issues that our clients commonly encounter.

Key Portfolio Management Factors

  • What is the current risk level of our total investment portfolio?
  • Does our current portfolio meet our lifestyle needs? How might we reposition our investments to meet our lifestyle objectives?
  • What is our net annual return in dollars and on a percentage basis?
  • How much are we paying annually for investment advice?
  • How tax-efficient is our investment portfolio?

Planning For Retirement

  • How soon can we afford to downsize our careers or elect to fully retire and reasonably be expected to maintain our standard of living throughout our retirement years?
  • Now that we are finally reaching our retirement years, how should we modify our investment plan to provide more stability and higher income at the expense of higher growth and volatility.
  • What assumptions are prudent to make about inflation, rate of return on investments, longevity?

Financial Management During Retirement

  • How much can we draw annually from our investment portfolio to supplement other sources of retirement income, while still making sure that our portfolio value keeps up with inflation?
  • What are the optimal choices to make for required minimum distributions from our retirement accounts prior to reaching age 70 1/2?
  • What investments should I spend first in retirement – taxable or tax-deferred retirement assets?
  • Should we consider long-term care insurance? What are the key factors to consider?
  • My spouse is not knowledgeable about (or perhaps not interested in) financial matters. Who can my spouse turn to for assistance if I am no longer available to handle our affairs?
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